Addiction Recovery Blog

Alcohol Poisoning: A Growing and Potentially Fatal Concern

For years studies have shown that alcohol can have a negative impact on health. The more a person drinks, the greater their risk. A recent report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) sheds light on the truth about alcohol poisoning. While many...

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Sober Living Homes: Transitioning Back Into Society

Upon completion of a drug and alcohol rehab program, many clients return home where they are then tasked with implementing what they have learned. They go from living in a highly structured and safe environment into a world of temptation and the unknown. It can be a...

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UFC Fighter Jon Jones Seeks Treatment for Cocaine Use

Substance misuse in sports is nothing new and something that officials have become stricter about in recent years. Performance-enhancing drugs and illegal substances have been criticized for giving players unfair advantages, but they are also detrimental to the...

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How does Suboxone Help with Opiate Addiction Recovery?

Suboxone Treatment For Opioid Addiction There are many different approaches for treating addiction and it can vary by the type of substance the person is addicted to. One of the first steps in the treatment process is detox. In order to facilitate more effective...

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The Power of Journaling in Addiction Recovery

There is great power in writing. You don’t have to be a phenomenal wordsmith to create something meaningful. Sometimes simply putting words down on paper can help you to make more sense of what you are feeling. For those in recovery, journaling can be a wonderful...

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California Cracks Down on Underage Drinking

Underage drinking is a widespread problem throughout the country. Teenagers are experimenting with alcohol at parties and as a way to fit in, cope with peer pressure, and deal with other challenges in their lives. In many cases it is fairly easily accessible and...

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Alcohol & Energy Drinks: A Recipe for Disaster?

Mixing alcohol and energy drinks may seem like a good idea at the time, but it can actually have some dangerous effects. Some people think that that by combining the two, they get the best of both worlds by enjoying the relaxing effects of alcohol while staying more...

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