What could Prop 47 mean for Drug Treatment Rates in California?

In an attempt to reduce overcrowding in prisons and costs of incarceration, California has introduced Proposition 47. This act reduces some charges that used to be classified as felonies to only misdemeanors. A large majority of these felonies are for drug possession or other nonviolent offenses. While this does give offenders a better chance of landing jobs and getting loans for housing and education, it could also reduce the number of people getting the help they need for drug addiction through California drug and alcohol rehab programs.

Changing Incentives

For many charged with drug-related felonies, previous rulings allowed them to sign up for “drug courts” where they could complete a drug treatment course in exchange for a misdemeanor sentence, according to an article in the Contra Costa Times. By going through drug court, they would spend less time in jail and be in a unit focused on providing them with intensive treatment to overcome addiction and substance misuse. This would give them a better chance at recovery and turning their life around.

A major incentive to get help was that they would only be charged with a misdemeanor instead of a felony. For many, this was the push they needed because they otherwise may not have gone through with treatment on their own. Under Prop 47, this incentive is removed. Offenders with some drug charges no longer face a felony sentence because it has been reclassified as a misdemeanor already. They do not have to go through drug court.

Doug Marlowe of the National Association of Drug Court Professionals explains, “It’s unrealistic to get addicts to volunteer for the program without a felony hanging over their head.” The rate of re-offense was also lower for those placed in court-mandated treatment as opposed to nondrug-court-mandated treatment according to studies. Supporters of the proposition assert that those who really want treatment will seek it and getting out of jail time should not be the main factor. The looming question becomes, will Prop 47 lead to fewer offenders with addiction problems seeking treatment?

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Getting a New Start

Undergoing treatment at a drug and alcohol rehab center in San Clemente, Orange County, or surrounding areas can help offenders get off to a better start. Only having a misdemeanor charge instead of a felony opens up more opportunities for them to get their life back on track, and addiction treatment supports this even further. Clients can receive intensive treatment to resolve underlying issues, learn strategies to make better decisions and reduce temptation, and embrace a substance-free lifestyle. With healthier routines and not being under the influence of drugs or alcohol, they can make the most of their future and opportunities that arise.

It is unclear what the specific outcomes of Proposition 47 will be just yet, but California is not the only state to take such measures. There are other states that have enacted similar acts with varying results. Only time will tell if those who could truly benefit from treatment will take the steps to attain it. Want more information about how Chapters Capistrano can help? Feel free to call 949-276-2886 and one of our addiction specialists will help get the information and help you need.

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Sunshine Behavioral Health strives to help people who are facing substance use disorder, addiction, mental health disorders, or a combination of these conditions. It does this by providing compassionate care and evidence-based content that addresses health, treatment, and recovery.

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