Inpatient vs. Outpatient Rehab: Which Should You Choose?

Inpatient vs. Outpatient Rehab: Which Should You Choose?

Treatment for addiction can come in many different forms. It all depends on the client’s individual needs and situation. There is not one prescribed program that everyone goes through. One of the biggest decisions is admitting that there is a problem and choosing to get help. Once a client has decided to seek treatment, it comes down to selecting the type of treatment program that they will partake in.

Inpatient and outpatient rehabilitation both provide valuable treatment and support in overcoming addiction. While some clients start in an inpatient program and transition to outpatient, others only go to outpatient rehab. There are many things to consider when deciding which type of program is right for you. While there are many similarities, there are also many differences as well.

How do Inpatient and Outpatient Programs Differ?

The main difference between these two types of programs is where they take place. When a client is in inpatient treatment, they stay at the facility around the clock. Programs typically last between 30 and 90 days but some may be shorter or longer depending on the client’s needs. While family can come visit, the client remains at the facility throughout the duration of their treatment.

This provides a more safe and secure environment. There are no drugs or alcohol allowed on the premises therefore clients do not have to worry about the temptation. They can focus on their recovery. The change of environment can be beneficial as well. Clients are not continually reminded of people, places, and things related to their prior use. Inpatient drug and alcohol rehab facilities offer a peaceful, relaxing atmosphere.

When the client is in outpatient rehab, they continue to live in their own home and travel to the facility for treatment. These sessions can last all day or just a few hours. It is very flexible depending on how much support the client requires. This is one reason why some clients choose outpatient rehab following an inpatient program. By having this flexibility, it allows clients to return home to their family and friends each evening. Many continue to hold down a job and other activities that they are involved in. In addition, it can be less costly to attend an outpatient program because there is no room and board. They are required to regularly check in with a counselor, therapist, or someone from the program though.

However, clients in outpatient rehab are not afforded the same safe environment all the time. When they leave the facility, they are once again faced with temptations from the outside world. For some clients, this is too much to handle. They are not yet prepared to be in this type of environment and need more time and intensive therapy to be able to cope with temptation more effectively. Other clients are able to resist and use this independence as a driving factor to keep them on the right path.

Which is the Right Choice?

It is beneficial for clients to consider their unique needs and where they will be best met. Their doctor, therapist, and others involved in their treatment can help them to decide what type of program is right. Many people find that starting out in inpatient treatment is a good option. This provides them with intensive therapy, a structured routine, and round-the-clock support to assist with recovery. They are not as distracted by other facets of their life or their surroundings and can focus on getting the help they need. It can be challenging trying to balance outpatient treatment with the responsibilities of work and family during the early stages of recovery. Many clients find that it is better to make the transition more slowly.

In addition, inpatient programs provide access to a wide range of other services as well including nutrition counseling, massage therapy, acupuncture, yoga, and other holistic approaches. They become part of the client’s treatment plan. Clients in outpatient rehab can engage in these activities as well but may have to find or pay for them on their own.

However, inpatient treatment is not always conducive to a client’s situation so they may choose outpatient rehab so that they are still receiving care. It allows them to maintain a more normal lifestyle and they do not have to make as many alternative arrangements because they are not going to be gone for an extended period of time. Outpatient rehab offers some of the same treatment approaches as inpatient but not always as intensive. Just like with inpatient treatment, clients will build a strong network of support so that they have others to turn to for guidance, support, motivation, advice, and more.

Both inpatient and outpatient rehab programs have their pros and cons depending on your perspective. Each client must find what works best for their situation, needs, and goals. They can always choose to attend an inpatient program if they decide they need more support and structure than an outpatient program provides. At the same time, they can always transition to an outpatient program after completing an inpatient one. What is most important is that they are receiving the level of care that they need to overcome addiction.

Chapters Capistrano provides clients with flexible treatment options and length of stay. The program is customized to meet their needs. Intensive inpatient treatment can help them to develop the strategies and routines necessary to return home and continue to progress in their recovery. To find out more about drug and alcohol rehab at Chapters Capistrano, call 949-276-2886. Start a new chapter in your life today.

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Sunshine Behavioral Health strives to help people who are facing substance use disorder, addiction, mental health disorders, or a combination of these conditions. It does this by providing compassionate care and evidence-based content that addresses health, treatment, and recovery.

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