California Cracks Down on Underage Drinking

Underage drinking is a widespread problem throughout the country. Teenagers are experimenting with alcohol at parties and as a way to fit in, cope with peer pressure, and deal with other challenges in their lives. In many cases it is fairly easily accessible and sometimes it is even provided for them knowingly by adults. California has become one of 28 states to start taking firmer action and enacting legal consequences, according to a recent NPR article.

Breaking up the Party

Under social host laws, parents are held accountable when a party occurs on their property. If there is underage drinking involved and they are home, they face a $1,000 fine. If the parents are not home, the fine is given to the hosting teenager. However, their parents are quickly notified via mail to alert them of situation and penalty so that it is not overlooked. A second offense raises the charges to $2,000 in addition to having to pay for any city services that are needed. This could include fire departments, ambulances, or other emergency services.

The article notes that underage drinking has declined in Ventura County over the past six years since the law was passed. In addition, teenagers indicate that it is harder to get alcohol. Other cities have seen similar results since enacting social host laws and it is a step in the right direction toward reducing underage drinking.

The Risks of Underage Drinking

Teenagers’ bodies are not meant to handle alcohol and it can put them at a variety of health risks. According to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, “Each year, approximately 5,000 young people under the age of 21 die as a result of underage drinking.” This does not include the number who are injured while intoxicated.

Since adolescents’ brains are still developing and maturing, alcohol can interfere with this process. This can lead to problems with memory and thought processing. It can also impair coordination and motor skills. Young brains respond differently to alcohol and it can take larger quantities for adolescents to feel the same negative effects that an adult would. As a result, they may end up binge drinking without realizing the risk. They are also more sensitive to the pleasurable effects such as relaxation and less inhibitions.

Studies have also shown that the younger a person is when they start drinking and the longer it continues, the more susceptible they may be to developing an addiction. It also takes a toll on their body and overall health as they age. Addiction can lead to a whole host of other problems.

Just like adults, adolescents are also at risk for driving under the influence. They typically have less driving experience and with impaired judgment and slower reaction times, they run the risk of getting into accidents that could be potentially serious.

These are just a few of the ways that underage drinking can affect adolescents. Holding adults more accountable and educating youth about risks can help cut down on occurrences. Adults who themselves are battling with addiction should set a positive example by seeking treatment at drug and alcohol rehab center such as Chapters Capistrano in San Clemente, Orange County. For more information on addiction treatment at Chapters call 949-276-2886.

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