Alcohol Banned on San Diego Coaster Train: A Step in the Right Direction?

Starting February 1, 2015, riders will no longer be able to consume alcohol on San Diego Coaster trains, regardless of the time of day. This is in an effort to increase safety and reduce rowdiness and alcohol-fueled incidents. Previously restrictions only banned alcohol from 9 p.m. until 5:15 a.m. Though the train does not serve alcohol, riders were allowed to bring it with them to drink during the ride. This is a time when many people would socialize and relax with friends while traveling from sporting games, business, and other events.

Some people are opposed to this ban because they feel it also punishes those who are able to drink responsibly and do not cause problems. However, intoxicated passengers have been disruptive to other riders and gotten involved in fights and other negative behavior over the years. The North County Transit Board tried less aggressive measures such as increasing security, banning alcohol during certain hours, and launching campaigns to promote civility but have ultimately decided that a full alcohol ban is the best option.

Negative Effects of Alcohol

Many people engage in social drinking while at sporting events and out about in the area. When caught up in the moment, they may drink more than they realize or intended. With increased drinking comes higher risk to health and safety. Alcohol can lead to impaired decision making, mood swings, aggression, poor judgment and coordination, and more. As a result, this has led to fighting and other incidents on the train that not only holds up service but put others at risk.

A San Diego Union-Tribune article shares Escondido City Councilman Ed Gallos’ view, where he noted that at first he was reluctant but then realized, “It’s only an hour from the Sante Fe Depot to Oceanside and it’s kind of like smoking, if you can’t hold out for an hour, maybe there’s something wrong. I don’t know.” Alcohol is already banned on most forms of public transportation.

Addressing Underlying Problems

Chapters Capistrano, a San Clemente drug and alcohol rehab center, notes that if riders do realize that abstaining from drinking is an issue it may be time to seek professional help. Excessive drinking can spiral into problems with addiction which can in turn lead to a multitude of other concerns. There are many ways to celebrate and have a good time without alcohol. The same goes for those looking to unwind and de-stress. Embracing healthier solutions can help to curtail alcohol-related incidents.

Keeping drinking in check can help people to be more in control of their actions and behaviors and reduce health and safety risks. Although passengers can still board the train after drinking, they will not be able to consume additional alcohol during the ride. This can give people a chance to start sobering up and become more aware of the risks that their drinking may pose. If your drinking has become a problem and has taken a negative toll on your life or those around you, contact Chapters Capistrano today at 949-276-2886 to start a new chapter and recognize the benefits of sobriety.

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