The Power of Journaling in Addiction Recovery

There is great power in writing. You don’t have to be a phenomenal wordsmith to create something meaningful. Sometimes simply putting words down on paper can help you to make more sense of what you are feeling. For those in recovery, journaling can be a wonderful outlet. Journals can be used for spur-of-the-moment thoughts, to record gratitude, to reflect on the day, or to monitor progress and goals. Clients can make it something personal and beneficial for their own recovery. No two journals will be the same.

For those who may be hesitant to write their thoughts down, here are some ways it can help:

Alleviate stress: When something is nagging on your mind, it can be difficult to move on. Stopping to write down your thoughts allows you to get them out. It doesn’t even have to make sense. You can write as much or as little as you need to say. This can also be a way of helping you to process what you are feeling by being able to go back and reread what you were thinking. You don’t have to worry about what anyone else thinks because you don’t have to share; it can be for your eyes only.

Gain new perspective: Journaling can help you to organize your thoughts and look at them in a new way. Consciously writing down what you are grateful for or have achieved can show you the silver lining. Even things that seemed negative a first can be seen in a different light.

See trends and progress: As you continue on with your journaling you can see the progress that you have made. Whereas at one time a challenging situation or argument may have pushed you closer to risk of relapse, now you can see how your approach to handling it has changed. You can reflect on the positive changes you have implemented and the difference it has made in your life. In addition, writing down your feelings can allow you to better identify triggers or difficult situations that impact your recovery and ways to overcome them.

Promote honesty: When you are only writing for yourself, you have nothing to hide. You can tell yourself the truth knowing that no one is there to judge. Write about your dreams, goals, fears, and more. Having a written record can hold you more accountable and provide motivation for continuing your recovery journey.

Journaling can be very therapeutic and allow clients to get in touch with their emotions. In the early stages of recovery a therapist may offer guidance on how to get started and use the journal more effectively, but in time clients embrace it as their own and figure out how to use it to their benefit. Chapters Capistrano, a drug and alcohol rehab center in San Clemente, encourages clients to find what works best for their situation and offers customized approaches to treatment. Getting in touch with one’s feelings and opening up can have a wealth of benefits when it comes to recovery. If you are ready to start a new chapter in your life and begin the path to recovery from addiction, contact Chapters Capistrano at 949-276-2886.

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Sunshine Behavioral Health strives to help people who are facing substance use disorder, addiction, mental health disorders, or a combination of these conditions. It does this by providing compassionate care and evidence-based content that addresses health, treatment, and recovery.

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