Addiction Recovery Blog

Need to Treat, Not Just Prevent, Heroin Addiction

Last month the US House of Representatives, cognizant that all 435 members are up for re-election in November – with very little to show for it legislatively – passed more than 50 bills dealing with the opioid epidemic and drug abuse in general. Despite the number of...

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What is an Addictive Personality?

Everyone is “addicted” to something these days. Whether it’s watching TV, eating chocolate, working, exercising, gambling, alcohol, or drugs, there are very few humans that don’t suffer from addiction in one or another form. While some addictions are less damaging...

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What Should Be Known About Wellbutrin Withdrawal?

Wellbutrin is also called bupropion. It is generally prescribed for treating long-term depression. Some kinds of this drug are prescribed to help with nicotine withdrawals to help someone quit smoking. Since this drug is used in the treatment of long-term...

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The Differences Between Public Rehab Vs. Private Rehab

When you are finally ready to overcome an addiction, knowing what type of rehab to enter can be tough. There are public rehab and private rehab options. The private rehabs get funding from various private sources - some of that from the admission costs when someone...

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Alternative Addiction Treatment Programs

12 -Step Program Alternatives Millions of addicts have been able to overcome their drug or alcohol addiction using 12 step addiction treatment programs. The 12 step programs give recovering addicts structure. They allow them to attend counseling and work through...

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Sober Fun for the Fourth of July

It’s Independence Day, and even though it has the temerity and bad timing to arrive mid-week – demolishing any hope of squeezing a three-day or even a four-day weekend out of it – chances are you will want to celebrate. You can, even if you have a dependence on or...

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Opioid Epidemic: Dangers of Heroin, Fentanyl, and Carfentanil

The U.S is facing turbulent times as a result of a drug crisis. Since 2000, the rate of overdose deaths due to opioid abuse has increased at a rate of 200%. Opioids are drugs derived from the opium poppy plant like heroin. Also, in that category are synthetics like...

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Cocaine Vs Crystal Meth: How Do The Two Compare?

Drug use and abuse in the United States has a long-standing and changing history. From being “a national threat” around the year 1969 to being stamped “public enemy No. 1” in 1971, drug use and abuse doesn’t seem to be something ending soon. Taking stimulants like...

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