Social Factors that can Encourage Substance Use Disorder

There are many different factors that contribute to substance use disorder. 5 factors that contribute to substance use disorder include genetics, environment, family history, occupation and social factors. These are some of the most common factors that contribute to addiction. How one relates to and interacts with others can influence their risk of experimenting with drugs and alcohol. This can in turn lead to substance use disorder or addiction. Recognizing these social factors and the risk that they present can help people to become to more proactive in making healthier decisions and looking out for the well being of themselves and others.

Peer Pressure

Many people are strongly influenced by those that they associate with. They engage in similar activities and beliefs to build connections and feel as though they fit in. The desire to please and not disappoint can result in giving in to peer pressure to use drugs or alcohol. Some people may not have the best group of friends, but they want to feel accepted and remain part of the group, so they are influenced to use. This can happen at any age, whether you are a teenager, young adult, middle-aged professional, or senior.

Choosing your friends wisely and spending time with those who accept you for who you are and respect your beliefs can help to reduce peer pressure. Have the strength to say no and stand behind your decision.

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Desire to Fit in

Low self esteem and the desire to fit in can lead people to substance use disorder. They may resort to drugs or alcohol to feel more accepted or cope with what they feel are their shortcomings. If they are doing what the “in crowd” is doing, maybe they can gain popularity or acceptance. However, there are many other safer ways to boost self esteem and forge friendships. Finding those with similar interests, focusing on your strengths, and getting involved in new activities can lead to blossoming friendships.


Pressure at work and school or from family obligations can lead to increased stress. People may feel that they need to use various substances in order to keep up. Whether it is to help them feel more relaxed or more energized, or even just forget about their problems, this can lead to addiction. Many people feel the need to compare themselves and their lives to others and want to keep up the appearance that they are in control and have everything well managed.

What is important is focusing on their own well being and happiness, as well as that of their family. Ask for help when necessary. Work with your spouse or family members to create schedules and routines that work for your lifestyle and goals. Explore healthier outlets for stress and tension. Building friendships and engaging in activities that do not center on substance use can help to maintain sobriety and resist temptation.

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Sticking to Sobriety

There are many ways to remain socially active without using drugs or alcohol. It can be difficult to break away from friends who have a negative influence, but this can be a positive step toward reducing the risk for substance use disorder. It is okay to engage in recreational drinking from time to time, so long as it is not the focus of your social activities. Join a community group, fitness program, or other hobby that allows you build on your interests in a sober environment.

If social factors are contributing to drinking or drug use in your life, find out how Chapters Capistrano can help by calling 949-276-2886. Set in a relaxing, ocean-front location, our facility offers private detox and comprehensive treatment programs tailored to your needs. Don’t let social pressures steer you down the wrong path – we are here to help you start a new chapter in your life.

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Medical disclaimer:

Sunshine Behavioral Health strives to help people who are facing substance use disorder, addiction, mental health disorders, or a combination of these conditions. It does this by providing compassionate care and evidence-based content that addresses health, treatment, and recovery.

Licensed medical professionals review material we publish on our site. The material is not a substitute for qualified medical diagnoses, treatment, or advice. It should not be used to replace the suggestions of your personal physician or other health care professionals.

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