Repairing Relationships Following Addiction

After addiction treatment, many people are ready to get back to their daily lives and implement the changes they have been working so hard on. They are glad to be back with friends, family, and familiar surroundings. This can also cause some hesitation as well knowing how their addiction impacted those they love. They must adapt to a new “normal” and have patience as they get their life back in order. While under the influence of drugs and alcohol, their actions and behaviors may have damaged relationships which they are now ready to repair. But it is important to remember that this can take time.

Recognize that things won’t be exactly the same. Your life is different now that you have undergone treatment, and you are different. It is unrealistic to expect that when you return everything will be fine as though nothing happened. It takes time to rebuild trust and show that you have changed. You and your loved ones will need to adjust to new routines, patterns of thinking, and lifestyle changes. But this is not necessarily a bad thing. You may find that the relationship you build is even stronger than before.

Show that you have changed. As the old saying goes, “Actions speak louder than words.” It is great to tell your loved one that you are different now and how things have changed, but in order for it to stick, you have to show them as well. Let them (and yourself) see that you are not going back to your old ways; that you have learned more effective strategies for coping and can apply these skills. As time goes on and you continue to embrace a substance-free lifestyle, it will be easier to regain trust.

Talk about how they can help. Your loved ones may want to help you in your recovery but not know how. This can be especially true if things ended on rocky terms. Hopefully they participated in family counseling along with you during treatment. But even still, it is important to communicate your needs and expectations. They should do the same. This will help to ensure that you are on the same page and working together.

Know when to let go. Not every relationship can be saved. Sometimes the damage is too much to be repaired. And sometimes it is better this way because perhaps the relationship was an unhealthy one to begin with. Although it may be hard, respect their decisions and move on. As you continue with your recovery, it is important to surround yourself with those who will support you and be a positive influence.

Most of all, have patience. Just as the damage did not occur overnight, neither will the healing. Keep expectations realistic and be willing to be flexible and adapt. This goes for your loved one as well. You both need to work together to find a happy medium and create a life that works for you.

Based in San Clemente, California, Chapters Capistrano provides comprehensive treatment for those facing addiction, including a family program that can be beneficial in repairing relationships. If you are ready start a new chapter in your life and make changes that benefit you and the ones you love, contact Chapters Capistrano today at 949-276-2886.

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Sunshine Behavioral Health strives to help people who are facing substance use disorder, addiction, mental health disorders, or a combination of these conditions. It does this by providing compassionate care and evidence-based content that addresses health, treatment, and recovery.

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