Addiction Recovery Blog

Inpatient vs. Outpatient Rehab: Which Should You Choose?

Inpatient vs. Outpatient Rehab: Which Should You Choose? Treatment for addiction can come in many different forms. It all depends on the client’s individual needs and situation. There is not one prescribed program that everyone goes through. One of the biggest...

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Luxury Rehab: Not Just for the Rich and Famous

When many people think of luxury rehab facilities, they picture high priced centers where celebrities or the wealthy go for treatment. However, this is not always the case. While celebrities do often go to luxury rehab centers, there are many everyday people who do as...

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5 Tips for Dating Someone in Recovery

Those in recovery from addiction have gone through a great deal to get their lives back on track and turn things around. They have taken steps to create a better version of themselves and live a healthier lifestyle. Just like anyone else, they deserve to be a loving...

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Addiction Recovery: Are you Making Amends or Just Apologizing?

When it comes to addiction recovery, everyone’s journey is slightly different. Each person finds what works for them and their situation. Some people choose to follow a 12-step program, some opt for non 12-step programs, and still others create a type of hybrid. There...

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Adderall: When Increased Focus turns into Addiction

In order to keep up with the increasing demands of school or work, productivity and focus are essential. Many college students try to balance a heavy workload with extracurriculars, work, internships, and more. In an effort to keep up, they may turn to medications...

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Lightening Things Up: Embracing Humor in Recovery

Humor and addiction do not sound like two words that should go together. And with the many challenges that clients face, oftentimes they’re not – at least at first. Addiction recovery is a serious matter and one that requires commitment and change. But that doesn’t...

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Intervention Letters: What Should You Say?

It can be difficult watching someone you care about struggle with addiction. You want them to get better but may wrestle with how to go about bringing up the idea of treatment at a California rehab center. Or perhaps you have tried talking about it in the past and the...

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Athletes & Addiction: A Game-Changing Decision

Sports are commonly referred to as America’s favorite past time. With so many activities to choose from, there is something to meet virtually every interest. While some people prefer to watch, others are primed to play. A certain amount of pressure can drive athletes...

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Are you Unknowingly Enabling Addiction?

It can be difficult for people to recognize or admit when they have a problem with drugs or alcohol. They tend to be in denial or downplay the issue so that it doesn’t seem as bad as it really is. Getting the help they need can be made even more challenging when the...

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