Lightening Things Up: Embracing Humor in Recovery

Humor and addiction do not sound like two words that should go together. And with the many challenges that clients face, oftentimes they’re not – at least at first. Addiction recovery is a serious matter and one that requires commitment and change. But that doesn’t mean that you can’t or shouldn’t make time to laugh. It can actually be very beneficial.

In the beginning of recovery clients are often more serious. They are focused on making sure that they follow through with their relapse prevention plan and minimize tempting situations. And this is a good thing. It is important to feel confident and get these strategies and skills down. As they become more comfortable with new routines and cravings subside, they can loosen up a little and incorporate more humor in their days. Laughter can be useful in many situations.

  • Ease tension

When entering into new situations, you may feel a bit stressed. Or when the topic of rehab or drinking comes up, things can get a bit awkward. Rather than letting yourself be overtaken by these feelings, use humor to lighten the mood. Tell your favorite joke or funny story. This can help to shift the conversation to another topic.

If you find yourself getting stressed out, take a break and find something to make you laugh. Watch a funny video clip, make silly faces with your kids, or read some jokes. Enjoying these light-hearted moments can give you a chance to calm yourself and refocus. Rather than making rash decisions or starting an argument, you have the opportunity to turn things around.

  • Boost your mood

Depression and anxiety can be triggers for relapse. When you start feeling down, use humor as a way to perk back up. Spend time with people who are positive and energetic. Let their good nature rub off on you and bring a smile to your face. Laughing with friends can help you to stay motivated and feel more confident. Write down funny stories, get a DVD of your favorite comedian, or find a humorous book so that you have somewhere to turn when your mood starts slipping. These can be quick pick-me-ups while you take other steps to also help ward off depression.

  • Make new friends

Think about the type of people you like to be around. Would you rather spend time with someone who is sullen and negative or someone who is happy and enjoying life? It is hard not to smile when others around you are laughing and joyful. Use your humor and wit to make new friends. Focus on building healthy relationships with people who support your recovery and accept you for who you are. Steer clear of those who make you feel bad about yourself or tempt you to make poor decisions.

  • Move on from the past

Before drug or alcohol rehab, you probably made some poor choices. You may have gotten yourself into some peculiar or embarrassing situations. While you may not be able to laugh at these situations at first, in time it becomes easier. Consider how far you have come and how different your life is now. Being able to make light of the past and laugh at yourself can help you to move on. It can also help to diffuse tense situations where someone may be unsure of what to say. Letting them know that you can laugh at the past and are a changed person now can help. You made mistakes but you have taken the steps to overcome and turn your life around.

  • Gain a new perspective

A positive attitude and a little humor can help you to change your perspective. Instead of seeing the negatives, make it a point to look for the positives. When something goes wrong, consider everything that has gone right. Shifting your attitude and approach to different situations can help you to stay motivated and on track with your recovery. Don’t take yourself too seriously. Sometimes laughter really is the best medicine and can be just what you need to overcome a challenging situation and not let it get you down. Looking on the bright side can also help you to see new opportunities that you may have otherwise missed.

Make the most of your recovery by embracing humor and letting it be part of your journey. At Orange County drug and alcohol rehab center Chapters Capistrano, you will learn a multitude of strategies to support your recovery and help you boost your physical, mental, emotional, and social wellbeing. Overcome addiction and see the benefits in a substance-free lifestyle that allows you to start laughing and enjoying yourself again. Call Chapters Capistrano today at 949-276-2886 to find out more about our customized treatment programs that meet your individual needs.

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Sunshine Behavioral Health strives to help people who are facing substance use disorder, addiction, mental health disorders, or a combination of these conditions. It does this by providing compassionate care and evidence-based content that addresses health, treatment, and recovery.

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