Addiction Recovery Blog

Top 10 Reasons Why People Smoke Weed (Marijuana)

As of this date, there are already numerous states in the US which legalized the use of marijuana. Those who approved its medicinal use argue that legalizing cannabis is the way to go because the marijuana plant has substances that may aid treatment of a range of...

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Facts and FAQs on Marijuana Detoxification

is one of the more commonly abused substances. There are several users who even end up addicted to the drug. While many would suggest that marijuana is far from being addictive, these people have clearly not experienced sleepless nights due to cravings of that small...

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How Dangerous is New Opioid Dsuvia?

On Nov. 2, the Food and Drug Administration approved the opioid Dsuvia, a sublingual tablet (it is placed under the tongue until it dissolves, providing faster pain relief than intravenous or swallowed tablet painkillers) five-to-10 times stronger than fentanyl...

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Buspar: Your Not So Innocent Anti-Anxiety Med

People suffering from anxiety are sometimes given the anti-anxiety medication Buspar or buspirone. Many consider it to be a low risk for addiction and it is believed to be very effective. But this is not the entire truth about the drug. Just like a lot of...

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Can You Overdose on (Weed) Marijuana?

Weed is a term used for the cannabis plant, along with marijuana, Mary Jane, hashish, dope, and many other street names. Although there is no existing report that excessive use of weed leads to toxic nor fatal results, too much consumption of weed, either by ingestion...

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What is Triple C?

What is Triple C? About, Side Effects & Risks Coricidin HBP Cough & Cold, most commonly known as Triple C on the streets, is a popular medicine that helps temporarily relieve colds, sneezing, runny nose, cough, hay fever, and other respiratory allergies....

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Understanding EtOH Abuse

EtOH is a term commonly used by academic researchers and those who work in the medical field to refer to ethyl alcohol, or ethanol, a primary component of alcoholic drinks. EtOH is characterized by a colorless and clear liquid which the body can absorb quickly...

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10 Things You Should Know About Whippits

Whippits are nitrous oxide cartridges that are used to charge dispensers of whipped cream. As neutral and as harmless as it looks, there are actually people who use whippits to get high because of its euphoric effects. What these people fail to realize is despite the...

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What Happens When You Mix Alcohol and Amoxicillin

Will drinking while taking Amoxicillin cause adverse effects on your health? Amoxicillin, which appears on the World Health Organization’s List of Essential Medicines, is among the most commonly prescribed drugs to treat infections in the United States. Its most...

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