From College to the Workplace: The Growing Trend of Adderall Addiction

When people think of addiction to Adderall or other ADHD medications, they often associate it with teenagers or college students. For years the focus has been on how students are misusing these medications to increase focus and productivity. They are faced with mounting pressures from trying to balance their course load with extracurriculars, internships, jobs, and social lives. Many people are diagnosed with ADHD in childhood, so this can make it easier for students to acquire these drugs from classmates or friends who are already taking them.

But what happens when these students graduate? Do they suddenly stop using these stimulants? For some people, yes, they do stop. But for others, it is a trend that follows them into the workforce. More adults are admitting to misusing ADHD medications such as Adderall, Concerta, and Vyvanse to give them an edge in the workplace. It is an issue that is gaining greater attention as more people struggle with the effects of addiction to these drugs.

Why are adults using stimulants?

The workforce has become a highly competitive place. Employees want to perform their best so that they can have job security, earn higher pay, receive promotions, and stay on top of their game. There is growing pressure to produce results so they turn to ADHD medications to try to keep up. Some reasons they may use these stimulants are to:

  • Work longer hours. Let’s face it – you can only concentrate well for a certain amount of time. Then you get tired and your mind starts to wander. Employees are using Adderall as a way to maintain focus and work longer hours to get more done. This can be especially true if there are deadlines looming and they are trying to get a project or presentation finished. However, pulling long hours and getting little sleep can begin to take a toll.
  • Get more done. There are only 24 hours in a day. With growing responsibilities, that means having to stay on task to maximize productivity. Employees may pop an Adderall to improve their concentration and push through so they get everything done. Business is all about numbers and they want to make sure they’re hitting (or exceeding) the mark. But at what cost?

Some adults carry over the habit of using ADHD medications to improve their productivity and focus from college. It is something that seemed to work for them then so instead of applying it to school work, they apply it to their professional work. Older adults may experiment as a way to try to stay competitive with younger counterparts. They don’t want it to appear as though they are struggling to meet the growing demands of their job or can’t keep up.

The drawbacks of using stimulants

ADHD medications can be very beneficial for those who have a confirmed diagnosis. It balances the chemicals in their brain and allows them to be more focused and calm. But in people without ADHD, these stimulants can have the opposite effect. They can actually make some people less focused and more anxious. They may have trouble sleeping or decreased appetite as well. These side effects can cause them to be less productive at work and interfere with their ability to function and think clearly. Increased use can also lead to dependency and addiction.

Once they become addicted, it can be hard to stop using. Although they may try, as their body goes through withdrawal, they may start again in order to feel better. Or they may tell themselves that they’ll stop once this project is over or that deadline is met. But after each one there is always another that pops up and the cycle continues.

Some adults legitimately have an ADHD diagnosis while others fake the symptoms in order to obtain a prescription. Their doctor may not do a thorough evaluation to determine if a real need exists or if there are alternatives. They write a prescription and the person now has access to the medication even though they don’t really need it for medical purposes. Other adults get it from a dealer, coworker, or friend much like many college students do.

Breaking the cycle

Misusing ADHD medications such as Adderall can be a dangerous habit. The adverse effects can lead to reduced productivity, poor sleeping and eating patterns, and other conditions that can result in increased absences and other issues. In their effort to get ahead, employees are actually putting themselves behind.

Treatment at a luxury rehab center can help them to overcome their addiction and improve their productivity in healthier ways. Many companies offer leave or accommodations for employees who need substance use disorder treatment and it is often covered at least in part by insurance. Chapters Capistrano offers comprehensive and customized treatment plans tailored to clients’ individual needs. As a cell phone and laptop friendly facility, employees can stay connected while still focusing on their recovery. This can also ease their transition back to home and work by supporting them in achieving better balance and recognizing their limits.

If you are struggling with addiction to ADHD medication, alcohol, or other drugs, contact Chapters Capistrano today to find out more about how we can help. Start a new chapter in your life by calling 949-276-2886.

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Sunshine Behavioral Health strives to help people who are facing substance use disorder, addiction, mental health disorders, or a combination of these conditions. It does this by providing compassionate care and evidence-based content that addresses health, treatment, and recovery.

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