Why Doesn’t Addiction Rehab Always Work?

There is no program that guarantees to “cure” addiction. There is not a single solution that works for everybody. If a drug rehab center is touting these claims, you may want to reconsider. Rehab is a very personal process and varies for everybody. Some people go through treatment once and are able to maintain prolonged sobriety. For others, they may have to try more than one treatment program or overcome relapse. It all depends on the person and their situation. Though it is difficult to say why some approaches work better for some people than others, there are some common reasons why people tend to struggle and may relapse.

Wrong Program for their Needs

Not every facility follows the same approaches to treatment. If the client is also battling a mental health disorder, they need a program that offers dual diagnosis treatment so that both conditions are addressed simultaneously. When only one or the other is treated but not both, they are at increased risk of relapsing because of the interconnected nature of these conditions.

A luxury rehab center can offer more personalized treatment plans. Some clients do very well with a 12-step methodology while others do not. There are alternatives available that focus on different concepts and strategies. Clients may find that they benefit from a hybrid approach that incorporates several strategies. It is all a matter of figuring out what works best for each person. If someone is in a 12-step program and has a difficult time embracing the steps and committing themselves to it, they are less likely to follow through with the program. It is less meaningful for them. But when they find something that they can connect with, they are more likely to continue using these techniques to support their recovery.

Leave Treatment Too Soon

Length of stay can be tricky. Sometimes insurance will only pay for a certain amount of time. The client may not be fully ready to leave yet and would benefit from a longer stay. Other times clients feel that they are strong enough to leave. They may believe that they have learned what they need to know and are confident in their abilities. Once they are back in society, it becomes difficult to cope with cravings and temptation. The changes that they are trying to make do not take hold and they end up falling back into old routines. Working closely with their therapist and treatment team, clients can decide how long of a stay would be best for them.

Overly Confident

It can be very empowering for a client to complete their treatment program. They feel like a new person and are excited about starting a new chapter in their life. But this can also lead to becoming complacent. They are confident that they know what to do and how to respond so they may not be as diligent about following through with their recovery plan. After some time has passed they may think that they are strong enough to be around people who are drinking or doing drugs and not give in. Or they may think that just one drink won’t hurt because they’ll stop at that. When it comes down to it, this may end up leading to relapse.

Lack of Support

Having a strong support system is an important part of recovery. Clients should know that there are people on their side and who they can turn to for advice, motivation, understanding, and support. Attending support groups can be a great way to connect with others who understand where they are coming from and what they are going through. Unfortunately not everyone the client knows may be as supportive as others. This is especially true for those they used to drink or do drugs with. Breaking off these relationships is often necessary as these people can become a bad influence.

Without a strong support system, clients may feel alone and have a difficult time coping with temptation. They may find themselves in challenging situations without someone to turn to. Even once treatment is complete, attending outpatient rehab, therapy sessions, and support group meetings are still important. Clients don’t have to go through recovery alone and shouldn’t. Having the right supports in place can help them to feel more confident and motivated in their recovery.

Unrealistic Expectations

Change doesn’t happen overnight. If a client leaves treatment and has unrealistic expectations for their recovery, it can lead to disappointment and eventual relapse. It is important to set goals that are attainable and fit with their progress. Being overly ambitious can mean being harder on themselves if they don’t meet these goals. In turn they may start believing that recovery didn’t work for them or that they’re unable to succeed. This can lead to returning to old habits and substance misuse.

Recovery takes hard work. It is not always easy, but it is worth it in the end. If you are ready to start a new chapter and make the most of your recovery efforts, Chapters Capistrano can help. Experienced staff will help you to create a treatment plan that meets your individual needs. Contact Chapters today at 949-276-2886 to find out more about our flexible approaches to treatment and length of stay as well as our comprehensive services. It’s not too late to begin your recovery.

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Sunshine Behavioral Health strives to help people who are facing substance use disorder, addiction, mental health disorders, or a combination of these conditions. It does this by providing compassionate care and evidence-based content that addresses health, treatment, and recovery.

Licensed medical professionals review material we publish on our site. The material is not a substitute for qualified medical diagnoses, treatment, or advice. It should not be used to replace the suggestions of your personal physician or other health care professionals.

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