Why Does Nicotine Make You Feel Good When It’s Bad For You?

It is common to find people smoking tobacco products getting unceasingly hooked to it. The culprit? Nicotine. It is a substance that is present in all tobacco products like cigars, cigarettes, and even electronic cigarettes. Those who use these find themselves rapidly becoming addicted to the products and find it hard to let go of it.

The substance originated from the tobacco leaves so whether an individual smokes, smells, or nibbles it; nicotine is brought to the brain, which can easily give new users a ‘nicotine buzz’ or ‘nicotine high’. This transmission to the brain is what causes addiction. Thus, even if people know it is dangerous to their health they tend to use it over and over again.


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What Does It Make You Feel & What Does Nicotine Feel Like?

Nicotine travels to your brain quickly. Once there, it makes you feel a whole lot of things. One of the most common is its mood-changing effect. Most people want to know, “What does a nicotine buzz feel like?” Many describe this as a subdued, strong and complex effect that allows many to stay alert and concentrate. There are also a lot of individuals who can attest to how it makes them feel relaxed. They have this sense of calmness.

How does this happen? The substance triggers a part of the brain that makes you feel elated and happy, which then stimulates the hormone dopamine to be set free. This release is what is perceived as the origin of the pleasurable sensations you experience when an inhalation is done. So, in a way, does nicotine get you high? And, what does an nicotine high feel like?

Dopamine plays a big role in terms of feeling pleasure and has a powerful role in addiction. This is what is happening when inhaling nicotine. The activation of dopamine has resulted in dependency on the substance.

So, no matter what you actually know about nicotine, your defenses against it are too low given how it works in your brain. You add to this the feeling of gratification, reduction of inhibition, and increased focus.

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The Other Side of Nicotine

While it provides a sense of satisfaction and elation, heart rate and blood pressure shoot up once nicotine enters your system. It is common for users to feel the pulsating sensation all over their bodies. Many will also experience a hearing slight buzz or hum in their ears.

First-hand or second-hand smoke can cause irritation to the throat, eyes, and nose. It can also lead to nausea, headaches, cough, dizziness and can worsen asthma and allergies. Nicotine can even diminish your sense of smell and taste.

Complications may arise when inhaling nicotine while pregnant. This can lead to preterm delivery, low-birth weight, and infant death in worst case scenario. A study has pegged that at least 10 percent infant deaths are attributed to smoking. This can also cause long-term health issues for the child such as learning disabilities, lung problems, growth problems, and susceptibility to colds.

Withdrawal – A Challenging Feat

Given the dependency on nicotine, withdrawal from the substance can pose a real challenge. Remember, the nicotine has affected your brain, hormones, metabolism, heart, and even blood vessels. This translates to having a sense of craving.

Withdrawal symptoms are dependent upon how long you have been using the substance. It will take several days to several weeks to get through it. This will involve your entire being – from physical to mental then all the way to emotional.

During the initial stage, you will fell cravings, headache, and insomnia. These will begin to wear out eventually. It is at this point when you will feel anxious, irritable, and depressed.

Cravings happen because nicotine has appetite suppressing element so once it is out, chances are you will eat a lot. Headaches, meanwhile, may be the first symptom you will experience but this will be the first to go away too. With nicotine relieving stress, anxiety, and irritability will pop up when the substance is gone.

Cruise Through Quitting Nicotine

While quitting may be a challenge, you can cruise through and rise above it. Just keep your willpower to get over the substance. After all, the withdrawal symptoms will only last a few weeks at the most.

Remember that the biggest roadblock is your commitment to quit. Yes, it will be all about your mind.

Avoid areas where there are smokers, so you do not tempt yourself. Keep healthy snacks on hand so you eat something beneficial for your body when cravings set in. Try a new hobby or physical activity to keep you from feeling anxious or depressed. It will also help to surround yourself with people who support your endeavor.

Want more information about how Chapters Capistrano can help? Feel free to call 949-276-2886 and one of our addiction specialists will help get the information and help you need.

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Sunshine Behavioral Health strives to help people who are facing substance use disorder, addiction, mental health disorders, or a combination of these conditions. It does this by providing compassionate care and evidence-based content that addresses health, treatment, and recovery.

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