What Traits Do People with Addictive Personalities Possess?

It isn’t surprising that those who have worries they might develop an addiction to alcohol or drugs often trying figuring out what traits those with addictive personalities have. These people who are worried about their own life and the possible development of an addiction might want to know what they should look out for, either to prevent the addiction or to keep themselves from ever drinking or doing drugs in the first place. However, the truth is there is a mixture of traits and not everyone has them all. There are also many myths about addictive personalities as well.


What is the Myth Regarding the Universal Addictive Personality?

The myth regarding the universal addictive personality is just that, there is no universal way to recognize someone with addictive personality traits. Every person is different from one another and not everyone has the exact same traits. Some researchers state that it doesn’t just come down to certain traits, but many other factors as well.

Yes, there might be various kinds of traits which can be noted in those who have a substance use disorder disorder or addiction. However, that doesn’t mean that everyone who has the disorder or addiction will have all the same traits. For example, many people see those who are out-of-the-norm socially or criminals as having a bigger risk of addiction, but that isn’t always the case.

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What Traits Might Increase the Risk of Developing an Addiction?

With all that being said, some traits are still recognized in some people that increase their risk of developing a substance use disorder disorder or addiction. Yes, some people with these traits can moderate their drinking or drugging. However, it may be tougher for them to do so because of these traits. Those who have a higher risk of becoming addicted to drugs or alcohol might have the following addictive personality traits:

  • Family history of addiction

  • Having a mental health disorder

  • Risk-takers and adventurous

  • Cautious and disconnected

  • Compulsive and obsessive

  • Can’t self-regulate

  • Apathetic

Further details on these addictive personality traits is discussed below.

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What Else Should Be Known About a Family History of Addiction?

There isn’t a doubt that genetics play some role in the risk someone has of developing a substance use disorder disorder or addiction. According to certain addiction studies, having someone in your close family who has an alcohol or drug addiction increases your risk of developing an addiction too. There have been some direct correlations between addiction and genetics. With that being said, there is an increased chance of knowing who might have a higher risk of developing an addiction. There are other factors too that may lead to an addiction. If you have a family history of addiction and have developed an addiction yourself, know there are treatment centers to assist you.

What Else Should Be Known About Mental Health Disorders?

In addition to a family history of addiction, having a mental health disorder (addictive personality disorder) may increase the risk of developing an addiction. Some of the mental health disorders that may increase this risk include:

  • Anxiety disorders

  • Panic disorders

  • Depression

  • Bipolar disorder

  • PTSD

  • Schizophrenia

  • Antisocial personality disorder

There are many studies which link mental health disorders to addictions. Many people who suffer from a mental health disorder will self-medicate with alcohol or drugs.

What Should Be Known About Risk-Taking and Being Adventurous?

Those who are risk-takers or who love adventure may have an increased risk of developing an addiction as well. Many of these people don’t have much impulse control, they enjoy high-risk experiences, experimenting and dangerous things as well. Due to this fact, they may be more willing to try various drugs or even combining drugs with alcohol. Some research shows that higher dopamine levels in one’s brain may cause this. When someone has these higher levels, they may need experiences of higher intensity to make them feel good. This is what may cause them to use harder drugs and experiment with more drugs. If you have developed an addiction and are a risk-taker, know that addiction treatment facilities can help you to overcome the addiction.

What Should Be Known About Being Cautious and Disconnected?

Yes, being a social butterfly and a risk-taker can increase the risk of an addiction, but so can being cautious and disconnected. When you disconnect yourself from others, you may feel alone and depressed, which could cause you to use drugs or alcohol. You may self-medicate to ease the anxiety you have when spending time with others. When you begin self-medicating, this could lead to dependency on the alcohol or drugs and cause the addiction.

What Should Be Known About Being Compulsive and Obsessive?

Those who are compulsive and obsessive may have too much structure and strict guidelines over their life. They may start using alcohol or drugs to reduce the symptoms of OCD. They may end up feeling obsessed with drinking or doing drugs and focus solely on how they are going to drink or do drugs whenever they want to. This obsession may lead to a full-blown addiction and cause many issues in their life.

What Should Be Known About Being Apathetic?

Some studies say one of the main addictive personality traits is being apathetic. This means the person doesn’t really have much interest at all in what happens to them or their life. Those who use drugs or alcohol might not care at all about how it will affect their brain, body or their life. They may even desire to harm themselves and go on a self-destructive path.

What Should Be Known About the Inability for Self-Regulation?

All the above traits have one main thing in common. That is the inability for self-regulation. If someone isn’t regulating their thoughts, feelings and behaviors, that might enable them to not have any self-regulation for how much alcohol they drink or amount of drugs they do. If you have issues with self-regulation that lead to you using drugs or alcohol, getting into an inpatient drug rehab center may help you.

What Can Be Done to Help Someone Who is at an Increased Risk of Developing an Addiction?

Someone who has traits which might signify an addictive personality can seek help. There are some things which can be done to help someone who is at an increased risk of developing an addiction. There are many behavior therapy options which can assist those who struggle with the above-mentioned issues to find ways in managing behaviors and gaining skills for self-regulation.

For anyone who has already become addicted to drugs or alcohol, there are many addiction rehab treatment programs which can provide the therapy and other addiction treatments needed. If you need to overcome an addiction, get the help you need immediately. If you have yet to develop an addiction, but you can relate to the addictive personality traits, getting help ahead of time could save you a lot of pain and problems in the future. You don’t have to wait until you develop an addiction to ask someone to help you get your life under control and into a great state.

Those who suffer from an addiction often have a difficult time getting back on track. Sometimes it takes multiple attempts to stay sober long-term and that is alright. It takes a lot to figure out what works to help you with your sobriety. Sometimes it is trial and error. However, the sooner you ask for treatment and help, the sooner you can get your life back. Don’t ever hesitate to get into a treatment program. You deserve the best life possible and you can have that. You can live without alcohol and drugs and learn new skills to reduce your chances of living an addictive lifestyle. Make the call to get the help that is needed as soon as you possibly can.

Want more information about how Chapters Capistrano can help? Feel free to call 949-276-2886 and one of our addiction specialists will help get the information and help you need.

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Medical disclaimer:

Sunshine Behavioral Health strives to help people who are facing substance use disorder, addiction, mental health disorders, or a combination of these conditions. It does this by providing compassionate care and evidence-based content that addresses health, treatment, and recovery.

Licensed medical professionals review material we publish on our site. The material is not a substitute for qualified medical diagnoses, treatment, or advice. It should not be used to replace the suggestions of your personal physician or other health care professionals.

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