Sober Living Homes: Transitioning Back Into Society

Upon completion of a drug and alcohol rehab program, many clients return home where they are then tasked with implementing what they have learned. They go from living in a highly structured and safe environment into a world of temptation and the unknown. It can be a lot of change to manage at once.

Environment plays a very important role in maintaining sobriety. Clients must be confident in steering clear of unhealthy situations where they may be tempted to use. Some clients benefit from a more supportive transition back into society and opt to live in a sober living home. These homes are drug-free and provide assistance with becoming more independent and accountable. There are rules that clients must follow and certain responsibilities they must uphold. Sober living homes can be a good intermediary step for those clients who are not yet ready to return to their own home.

  • Less temptation: Clients are expected to remain substance-free while living in the home. They take random drug tests to help hold them accountable. There is less temptation because there is not immediate access to these substances and other residents are not using them either.
  • Structured environment: Residents function much like they would if they were living on their own. They must either have a job or be going to school, are expected to complete chores to help out around the home, and continue to go to support groups.
  • Continued support: All of the residents are in the recovery process and share similar situations. They can be a good source of support for one another because they know what the others are going through. In addition, there is staff there to monitor the home and the residents’ wellbeing. Should the residents need help, it is available. Staff also assists them in creating healthier routines, finding and holding a job, and managing challenges they may face.
  • Building independence: Residents gradually take on more responsibility and assert their independence. They become more comfortable dealing with the challenges that they will face on their own and further refine coping strategies. It gives them the chance to get their life more organized before heading off on their own without being surrounded by others also in recovery.

California is home to numerous sober living homes as it also has a multitude of drug and alcohol rehab facilities. While some clients are able to move from inpatient treatment to functioning well on their own at home, others need more support. They may transition to an outpatient program and then home or to a sober living home first. It all depends on the client and their individual situation how their recovery will progress.

Every sober living home is slightly different in the rules they implement, but the general concept is the same. These homes can be beneficial to those clients looking for a little more guidance and reassurance before they venture out on their own. Chapters Capistrano, a San Clemente drug and alcohol rehab center, provides clients with the customized and comprehensive care they need to overcome addiction and continue on in their recovery. To get started, call Chapters Capistrano at 949-276-2886.

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Sunshine Behavioral Health strives to help people who are facing substance use disorder, addiction, mental health disorders, or a combination of these conditions. It does this by providing compassionate care and evidence-based content that addresses health, treatment, and recovery.

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