Addiction Recovery Blog

7 Tips for a Making a Relapse Prevention Program

People who are struggling with addiction and are on the road to recovery need to avoid relapsing. This can be difficult at the beginning of the process, but becomes easier as time goes on. However, the best way to fight a potential relapse is to create a prevention...

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6 Benefits of Going to Rehab

Overcoming sobriety is no easy task. Depending on the severity of your addiction, you will need different types of assistance to help you. Most people struggling with addiction assume that they can detox and rehabilitate themselves with no professional guidance....

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12-Step or Non 12-Step? Which is Better?

Drug and alcohol addiction treatment is a very personal journey; there is not a one-size-fits-all approach. Everyone’s situation is different. In order to maximize recovery efforts, clients must find a program that meets their needs and provides approaches that they...

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Repairing Relationships Following Addiction

After addiction treatment, many people are ready to get back to their daily lives and implement the changes they have been working so hard on. They are glad to be back with friends, family, and familiar surroundings. This can also cause some hesitation as well knowing...

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Is there Such Thing as a High-Functioning Alcoholic?

No matter how you look at it, addiction at any level is still addiction and is a serious problem that should be addressed. The typical stereotype paints someone with alcoholism as person who is always drunk, can’t hold down a job, has a disheveled appearance, and has...

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Ways to Cope with Pain without Medication

Prescription drug abuse (and drug abuse in general) has become a growing concern when it comes to addiction. People may begin to rely too heavily on these medications for relief and improper or prolonged use can lead to substance use disorder or addiction. In...

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5 Myths About Alcohol Addiction

Alcohol addiction is surrounded by many myths and misconceptions. These often add to the stigma and can impact a person’s decision to seek help. People may be misguided as to what alcoholism is and how it is treated. By taking a closer look at these myths and becoming...

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Abuse vs. Addiction: Is There a Difference?

When it comes to substance use, many people confuse substance use disorder and addiction as one and the same. While there are similarities between the two, there are also some notable differences. For instance, just because someone misuses drugs or alcohol, this does...

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