Addiction Recovery Blog

Purdue Pharma Sued Over OxyContin

OxyContin has proven to be one of the leading causes of the opioid addiction in the U.S. Due to a laundry list of alleged actions that Purdue Pharma took during the roll-out and promotion of OxyContin, South Carolina is attempting to sue the massive pharmaceutical...

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How a Drug Can Ruin a Rapper

On the brink of potentially releasing a new album, Dwayne Michael Carter, Jr. might also be in trouble with drugs. While there hasn't been a huge news report about the rapper - also known as Lil' Wayne - has been hospitalized from drug use. His drug of choice is...

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Can drug testing welfare recipients help cut addiction?

About 21.3 percent of Americans take place in government assistance programs every month. This is according to Of the 50 states, 15 different states have passed legislation that includes drug testing or screening for public assistance applicants. The...

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A Tale of Addiction: Danniella Westbrook

The famous EastEnders star, Danniella Westbrook is infamous for her addiction. Even dating back to her time on set as Sam Mitchell, Westbrook was a trouble maker. Over the course of her career, this addiction to cocaine has plagued her and it still does today. She's...

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Trump Declares a National Emergency

President Donald J. Trump declared that the opioid epidemic was a national emergency, which follows up to Chris Christie and the President's Commission on Combating Drug Addiction and the Opioid Crisis. This occurred on Thursday, August 11 from his golf club in New...

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The Power of Addiction

Addiction is most commonly associated with drugs. It could be heroin, cocaine, or methamphetamine, but no matter what it is, it often comes down to how the brain reacts to these drugs. It frequently involves one thing, dopamine. And because of that, addiction to...

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Slang Words for Drugs

Common Street Names & Slang For Drugs  Each of the drugs available on the market, both the prescription drugs and the illegal ones, have earned a "street" or slang name. Some even have more than one slang name. These drug slang names change with the efforts of the...

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Could Eating Vegan Help During Recovery?

When recovering from substance use disorder, many people find solace in a healthy diet and a healthy lifestyle. For example, everyone who attends Chapters Capistrano goes to a beautiful gym. There are also different eating options available for people in recovery at...

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The Most Addictive Drugs

There are so many different kinds of drugs. From marijuana all the way to crack cocaine, there are differences in creation and even the addictiveness. There isn't some kind of machine to measure how addictive a drug is. But there are a few ways to measure how...

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How Anonymous is Your Information in Rehab?

Attending rehab leaves a ton of questions on the table, and finding the answers is often tiring and quite frustrating. One of the many worries people have is how private their information is. If it's not private, then what are the odds friends, employers, and family...

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