In college, it’s not difficult to get a hold of an assortment of different types of drugs. Many students use prescription medications or alcohol to help relieve stress and fit in. One of the most commonly used drugs on college campuses that achieves a similar effect is marijuana. Marijuana is the common choice for students who don’t feel comfortable with or don’t want to drink alcohol, and instead prefer a more sedate experience like the one marijuana offers. Despite the fact that it isn’t as dangerous as something like alcohol or stimulants, marijuana presents its own unique challenges and clear dangers.
Studies show that marijuana is used by at least 30% of the student body, and the reasons are simple. College is stressful, and marijuana has a clear stress-reducing effect on the user. It’s also relatively easy to come by. Alcohol is illegal to purchase for those under 21, and heavier drugs like cocaine and meth are much more difficult to come by. Marijuana is simple to acquire because it’s both inexpensive and used by so many. With that many people using marijuana, more use it to fit in with their peers. However, marijuana isn’t a harmless drug; in fact, while marijuana can reduce stress caused by college life, it presents its own challenges that can make academic achievement very difficult.
Marijuana’s “relaxation” effect could also simply be called “lethargy”. Users get tired, sleepy, and have difficulty functioning in a busy or complex environment. Essentially, if someone’s using marijuana, high-level functioning is simply not possible. While the high may be enjoyable, like with any drug long term side effects are sure to follow. In the same vein of lethargy, users often experience a distinct lack of motivation, which can easily impact a college career. Memory is also impacted, and users often display clear signs of memory loss. Marijuana dependence can also affect the body by lowering the efficiency of the immune system, forcing heart rates to dangerous levels, and due to the fact it’s usually inhaled, it can severely damage the respiratory system. Continued used also has been shown to cause a loss in coordination and a distinct drop in reaction times.
Marijuana has become a hot topic as of late, with some states legalizing its use for both medical reasons and recreation. While it is certainly more difficult to develop a dependency on marijuana, it’s far from impossible. Addiction to marijuana is possible, and while it may not have severe withdrawal effects like methamphetamine or cocaine, it can still cause permanent damage over prolonged use. Be careful if you or someone you know is using marijuana, especially if they’re a college student. What begins as a simple way to cool off and relax after a long day can easily become a dependence with side effects that make it very difficult to succeed in the academic world.