Getting in the Spirit: Gift Ideas for Someone in Recovery

Coming up with gift ideas can be stressful. Everyone has their own taste, style, and preferences. You want to give something meaningful yet practical. One of the most common go-to gift ideas is a bottle of wine, but when someone is in recovery, that is the last thing you want to show up with. It’s a good idea to avoid anything alcohol-related all together. It’s better to be safe than sorry.

So where do you start when you’re at a loss for ideas? There are plenty of ways you can show your support and brighten their day:

  • Handmade gifts. Show you care by knitting a scarf, personalizing some stationary, whipping up some of their favorite cookies, or creating a photo collage. It is clear that the effort is there and you put some thought and time into your gift. You also have the opportunity to tailor it to the person by adding special touches such as their favorite color. Photos can remind them of happy memories you’ve shared and why they choose the path of sobriety every day.
  • Relaxing gifts. Though they may seem cliché, candles, lotions, soothing music, coffee, or tea can actually be a great idea. Help your loved one to ease tension and stress while pampering themselves. It can be a reminder to take time out for themselves and practice self care.
  • Spa day or massage. If you’re looking for something a little more luxurious, treat them to a day at the spa, or a massage. These can be great ways to support recovery and keep them in a more positive frame of mind. With the busyness of the holidays, this can be a welcome relief in the new year.
  • Gift cards or certificates. Get creative. Maybe your loved one has talked about wanting to try a new class at the gym or learning to cook. Give them a pass to try a class or two on you. They may find it’s something they really enjoy and want to continue doing, or perhaps it will spark their interest in something else. You could also give them a gift card to their favorite store or restaurant so they can treat themselves.
  • Personalized coupons. If you’re looking for something inexpensive yet meaningful, consider making your own coupon book. You could treat them to a night without kids, a massage, doing the laundry or cleaning the kitchen for them, a movie or dinner of their choice, or other things you know they’ll enjoy. Pick things that they will appreciate but are also feasible to pull off.
  • Puzzles or games. Boredom can be a major trigger for relapse. Pick up a few puzzle books, word games, board games, coloring books, or jigsaw puzzles. They’re a fun distraction and a way to pass the time. It also offers sober activities to do with friends and family. Having a game night can be a wonderful way to spend time together laughing and making memories.
  • Inspirational gifts. Find a book of quotes or motivating stories. You could also get a picture, shirt, mug, or other trinket with an inspirational message. It can be a great pick-me-up when your loved one is feeling down or just needs a reminder of what they’re working toward. A journal can also be a meaningful gift because it allows them to reflect on the things that matter most to them, and is something they can go back and read later on.

Think about what would fit well with their new lifestyle and the change they have made. One of the greatest gifts you can give isn’t one that can be bought – it’s your time and support. Show them how much you care by being there for them. Plan a day trip together, or a night out to see a favorite play or musician. Or simply write a heartfelt letter expressing how much they mean to you and how proud you are of all that they have accomplished. Sometimes even though you think these things are obvious or go without saying, putting them into words can make a difference.

It’s the thought that counts with any gift. Your gift might not make sense to anyone but the person you’re giving it to, and that’s all that matters.

If you or a loved one is struggling with addiction this holiday season, the gift of recovery could be the best gift you could give. Get a fresh start and put your effort into making the most of the future. Chapters Capistrano offers customized treatment programs to fit your needs and support you along each step of the way in your recovery. It’s not too late to make a change. Contact Chapters Capistrano today at 949-276-2886 and start a new chapter in your life.

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Sunshine Behavioral Health strives to help people who are facing substance use disorder, addiction, mental health disorders, or a combination of these conditions. It does this by providing compassionate care and evidence-based content that addresses health, treatment, and recovery.

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