Embracing an Attitude of Gratitude in Addiction Recovery

It’s very easy to focus on the negatives in life. The things that aren’t going quite right. The things that you wish you had but don’t. Having a pessimistic attitude can derail recovery efforts and make it more difficult for clients to stay on track and keep pushing forward. The more you focus on the positives and find things to be grateful for every day, the easier it becomes. Instead of seeing the negatives, you become more thankful for what you do have and what is going well.

Having a negative attitude can increase risk of relapse. When you fail to see the good things and only see the bad, following through with changes can be more difficult. There is less incentive to stay sober and make healthy choices. You may be more tempted to return to drug or alcohol use.

In order to turn your attitude around, it’s important to stop comparing yourself to others. Your life is your own and everything happens for a reason. Just because you are not at the same point as someone else or don’t have the things they have doesn’t not mean your life is less meaningful or less successful. Everyone does things at their own pace. You may have achieved things in your life that they have not yet done in theirs. You most likely have different goals and strategies for accomplishing them. Focus on your own progress and what you have achieved. Be proud of yourself and how far you have come. Recovery is a journey.

Having a positive mindset can help relieve stress and enhance your health. It can be easier to take things in stride and cope with challenging situations in more effective ways. With an attitude of gratitude, you can get past small setbacks and use them as learning opportunities to keep you motivated and striving for greater heights.

Finding Things to be Grateful for

Gratitude can come in many forms. It doesn’t always have to be major changes or events in your life. It can be very simple things, such as being grateful for a warm, sunny day after a few days of rain, or being grateful for having a steady job to go to every day. As you look for the silver lining and see things from a different perspective, it can change your outlook. Where you once saw dead-ends and negativity, now you see opportunity.

  • Keep a journal. Start writing down what you are grateful for each day. This may be difficult at first, but that’s okay; write down whatever you think of. As you keep going, you’ll become more comfortable and confident in finding things to be thankful for. Start small. Consider how your life has been changing and what is going right. What did you do today that maybe you hadn’t done before? When you’re going through a rough patch, take a moment to go back and read through your journal. Reflecting on things you are grateful for can help improve your mindset.
  • Keep positive company. The company you keep can make a big difference in how you feel and how you see the world. Spending time with people who are always complaining, are never happy, and who practice unhealthy habits can rub off on you. They can influence how you think, feel, and act. Try to associate with those who are generally in good spirits. They frequently smile and laugh, are fairly optimistic, and don’t dwell on the negatives. These people can help you to keep a more positive outlook and find things to be grateful for. They can also be a wonderful form of support and encouragement.
  • Help others. There are tons of volunteer opportunities available to help those in need. From fundraising and events for nonprofits to food banks, soup kitchens, tutoring, and more. Giving back to others can help you to better see how much you have to be thankful for. It can also be a way to boost your mood because you know you are making a difference in the lives of others. You can use your talents and compassion to give back and find more purpose in each day.

Some of the things you are grateful for could also be more closely tied to your sobriety such as:

  • Waking up feeling good and not having a hangover.
  • Having a clearer memory.
  • More savings because you are not spending money on alcohol or drugs.
  • More control over your time because you are not worrying about when, where, or how you will be able to use.
  • Having family and friends who stand by your side and support your recovery.
  • Healthier relationships.
  • Improved health.

There are many benefits to entering executive drug rehab and making the choice to overcome addiction. Changes can impact all facets of your life in ways you never realized. And focusing on having an attitude of gratitude can keep you moving in a positive direction and support your recovery. With on-site detox, flexible approaches to treatment, and a cell phone and laptop friendly facility, Chapters Capistrano can assist you in turning your life around. Start a new chapter today and begin the journey to long-term recovery by contacting Chapters Capistrano at 949-276-2886. Give yourself something to be grateful for today.


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Sunshine Behavioral Health strives to help people who are facing substance use disorder, addiction, mental health disorders, or a combination of these conditions. It does this by providing compassionate care and evidence-based content that addresses health, treatment, and recovery.

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