Addiction Recovery Blog

Starting the New Year with a Positive Attitude

If 2015 was a rollercoaster year, or the past two months of holidays has been a little stressful, you’re probably ready for a fresh start. Now is your chance. The holidays can be tough on recovery because you’re faced with more temptation, your regular routine is...

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The Power of Meditation in Addiction Recovery

When you enter a drug and alcohol rehab program in San Diego, there is not a single method of treatment that you will follow. Instead, your treatment plan will consist of many different components from one-on-one and group therapy to exercise and nutrition counseling....

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Getting in the Spirit: Gift Ideas for Someone in Recovery

Coming up with gift ideas can be stressful. Everyone has their own taste, style, and preferences. You want to give something meaningful yet practical. One of the most common go-to gift ideas is a bottle of wine, but when someone is in recovery, that is the last thing...

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Learning to Relax without Alcohol

One of the fears of addiction recovery that many people have is wondering how they’ll get by without alcohol. It has played such a prominent part in their recent life that the thought of going without can be scary. Will sobriety be boring? How will they fill their...

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Could your Loved One be a High Functioning Alcoholic?

Alcoholism doesn’t always present itself in the way you may think. Some of the stereotypes that surround alcoholism are that these people are poor, homeless, unemployed, unmotivated, stumbling around, and their life is falling apart. But for many people this is far...

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Dangers of Binge Drinking

Having a drink from time to time is generally fairly safe for most people. However, when you start having several drinks in a short period of time, or continue drinking for a prolonged period of time, this is when problems begin to arise. It is important to remain in...

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The Impact of Addiction on Families

Addiction is not a self-contained problem. It does not only affect the person misusing drugs or alcohol. The effects are far reaching and can impact the entire family whether the person misusing drugs realizes it or not. They may think they are only hurting...

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Making Room for Humor in Recovery

While there is nothing funny about addiction and it is a very serious condition, that doesn’t mean that there isn’t a right time or place for humor. Laughter can actually be very therapeutic and help with the healing process. It’s more difficult to feel depressed when...

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Celebrating Red Ribbon Week and Raising Awareness

Today marks the start of Red Ribbon Week 2015 which runs October 23-31. This campaign was founded to raise awareness about the destruction that drug use can cause. Its aim is to get more parents, families, and Americans involved in preventing substance use and keeping...

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Drinking & Depression: A Dangerous Combination

Everyone has bad days now and then. You’re stressed out from work, you got into an argument with your spouse, or things just don’t seem to be going your way. So what do you do to cope? Some people go for a run, talk it out with friends, or engage in a favorite hobby....

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