Addiction Recovery Blog

The History of Steroids, Part 2

Picking up where we left off yesterday, we now can identify why certain drugs are banned before other performance enhancing substances, and where the use and abuse of performance enhancing drugs began. It is their recent abuse, however, that has stunned the...

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The History of Steroids Part 1

No one is truly certain where using performance enhancing drugs in sports began. To really define it, we'd have to first define what is, and more importantly what isn't, a performance enhancing drug, or PED. A PED is usually a drug that enhances one or more physical...

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Steroids and the Rio Olympics

In a month, the nations around the world will come together to participate in the Summer Olympics in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. While we always get a little excited for the Olympics, this year's celebrations are mired in controversy. The threat of the Zika virus is...

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Relapse Does Not Mean That You Have Failed

Addiction recovery is not an easy process. The truth of the matter is that a lot of people do relapse. But that doesn’t have to be the end of their journey or story. They can use it as a turning point to pick themselves back up and make necessary changes to get back...

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Navigating Away from Substituting One Addiction for Another

There is no denying that addiction recovery is hard work. Going to a drug rehab facility near Los Angeles is no vacation. While you may have the comfort of luxury amenities, you’re still following rules, adhering to a schedule, engaging in intensive therapies, and...

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Setting Healthy Boundaries in Recovery

While you were in active addiction, your life may have been a bit of a free-for-all where anything goes. Alcoholism or drug addiction took priority and everything else came after. You may have lost your sense of who you are and what you value, and relationships may...

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Recognizing Risk Factors for Addiction

This week is National Prevention Week which is aimed at raising awareness of substance use and mental health disorders. Through increased education and early detection, you can help to protect yourself and those you love, decreasing your risk of developing an...

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Admitting You Need Help for Drug Addiction

One of the hardest parts of addiction recovery is admitting that you need help and getting started. It means letting others in and accepting their help. It is a very courageous thing to do to admit that you have developed a drug addiction or alcoholism. But by...

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What Makes for an Effective Drug Rehab Experience?

Drug addiction treatment is not one-size-fits-all. There is not a blanket approach to treatment that works for everyone. Instead, it is a process that must be customized to meet each client’s individual needs in order to be more effective. As you’re exploring your...

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What is Post-Acute Withdrawal Syndrome?

Before recovery can begin, it is essential that the body is free from all addictive substances. Addiction rehab often starts with a detox program to safely accomplish this and facilitate the start of recovery. Undergoing detox at a Los Angeles rehab center can provide...

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