Addiction Recovery Blog

Addicts Need MAT, Harm Reduction to Beat Opioid Epidemic

The Benefits Of Medication-Assisted Treatment For Addiction One problem driving the opioid epidemic—aside from the carelessness or actual avarice of the pharmaceutical companies —is that it can be easier and cheaper (not safer) to continue to take opioids than to get...

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Is Marijuana an Opiate?

Every day, about 115 people lose their lives following an overdose of opioids in the United States. Misuse of opioids and addiction are being considered a national crisis that should be addressed carefully. In 2015, over 33,000 American lost their lives because...

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The Difference Between Molly and Ecstasy

Ecstasy Vs Molly: What's The Difference Between The Two? The drugs Molly and Ecstasy became popular back in the 1990’s during raves because of the feeling it gives its users which is normally a feeling of euphoria. In short, it is a party drug. Like LSD back in the...

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What are the Short & Long Term Effects of Alcohol Use?

Drinking alcohol will influence the body, both physically and mentally. Abusers of alcohol will see short-term effects as well as long-term effects as the liquid is consumed. It is important to understand fully the short-term effects to see how one will be...

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Rehab Addiction Treatment Industry Hurt by Bad Players

There are a series of television ads currently running in which a man in doctor's scrubs urges you to call a number for addiction services. Lately, the ads have gotten more belligerent. The man says something like, "You know who I am. Why haven't you called?" Many...

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Cocaine and Its Surprising History

Coca is one of the world’s oldest, most dangerous, most potent, and most addictive stimulants of natural beginnings. Several thousand years before the birth of Christ, to counter the effects of residing in the thin mountain air by speeding up their breathing and get...

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Effects of Alcohol That Makes it More Dangerous Than Drugs

You may think of alcohol as less harmful compared to drugs because you can buy it legally as long as you are not underage. But research has suggested that the effects of alcohol are much more dangerous compared to heroin, crack cocaine or other prescription opioids....

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Rohypnol: Avoiding the Date Rape Drug Called Roofies

Date Rape Drug Symptoms & Side Effects With a potency around ten times more than Valium, Rohypnol is a drug that is used by drug abusers for a paralyzing high or by individuals who wish to commit a sexual assault on unsuspecting victims. By learning more about...

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