Addiction Recovery Blog

Does Compulsory Rehab Treatment Work?

Imprisoning drug addicts doesn’t seem to have slowed down or reduced the spread of drug addiction, and it is costly. Research suggests that treating drug addicts instead is more effective and less costly, but not all addicts want to be treated, even if the alternative...

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OxyContin vs Oxycodone: How are they different?

Oxycodone Vs OxyContin: Which Is Better For Pain Management? You may have already heard of the drugs oxycodone and OxyContin. OxyContin is a brand name for a manufactured drug containing the chemical oxycodone. Oxycodone itself is an opioid that is derived from an...

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Hydrocodone Vs. Oxycodone: The Facts You Need to Know

Oxycodone vs. Hydrocodone: Which Is Better For Pain Management? These two drug names, hydrocodone, and oxycodone are two commonly heard prescriptions throughout the world. You may have taken them, or you may have had a family member who has used them in the past for...

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Demerol vs Oxycodone: Key Similarities and Differences

Demerol Vs Oxycodone: Which Is Better For Pain Management? Both Demerol and Oxycodone are analgesic narcotics that are prescribed as painkillers. While marijuana has often been described as a gateway drug to much harder narcotics, prescription opioids are probably...

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Demi Lovato’s Drug Overdose is a Teachable Moment

The pop singer, actor, and activist Demi Lovato has achieved fame from an early age, and has seemed to handle it better than many of her contemporaries, “seemed” being the operative word. In 2013 she admitted to a plethora of problems,...

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Drug Testing: Drugs That Do & Don’t Show Up On A Drug Test

Testing positive for a drug is something that people are worried about, especially active addicts because it could impact negatively on their job. Younger people will try to hide their drug use from school and parents. While drug testing may be frightening, there are...

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Why Does Nicotine Make You Feel Good When It’s Bad For You?

It is common to find people smoking tobacco products getting unceasingly hooked to it. The culprit? Nicotine. It is a substance that is present in all tobacco products like cigars, cigarettes, and even electronic cigarettes. Those who use these find themselves...

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