Addiction Recovery Blog

Make the Pain Go Away with Non-Opiate Medications

When it comes to pain, people across the globe turn to medication to alleviate the symptoms of pain. Among this group, many people abuse prescription opioid pain killers, especially in the U.S. This has led to a growing epidemic among many Americans. To paint the...

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Can Psychedelics Cause Mental Disorders or Permanent Trips?

Psychedelics, also known as hallucinogens, are a type of drug that trigger visual and auditory changes while altering perception, thoughts and feelings. Common psychedelics include Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD), mushrooms, 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA),...

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Is Addiction a Learning Disorder?

It is a truth universally acknowledged, that addiction is more akin to a disease than a moral failing. Or almost universally acknowledged. There are still some who see substance use disorder (SUD) as the result of indulgence, laziness, the unwillingness to summon the...

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Licking Toads Is Dangerous With Serious Side Effects

The behavior of licking toads may seem a fairytale, but it does happen. People have been licking and even milking toads something that is considered dangerous and harmful to a person’s health. A psychedelic journey can take you to explore different kinds of...

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What Is Flakka (Gravel) and What Are Its Effects?

Everyone has heard or read about different drugs that can turn change people so profoundly that they resemble zombies, not humans. In this state, they may do things completely out of character. Not that long ago, there were a series of violent crimes in South Florida...

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There’s a Difference between Addiction and Dependence

Sometimes when we try to be polite or politically correct, we distort the facts. Other times by trying to be precise we seem to be nit-picking. Take substance use disorder. According to a Columbia Journalism Review article, the proper term in the latest Associated...

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Craving Sweetness: Can Sugar Be More Addictive Than Drugs?

Is Sugar More Addictive Than Drugs? No one expects a substance our parents and grandparents gave us as a reward for good behavior to be an addictive substance. However, sugar affects the brain’s reward center and can be as demanding a craving as a street drug. When...

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Psilocybin: The Shroom & The Legend

The Psilocybe Cubensis has a rather plain exterior which belies its storied past. This particular fungi contains the hallucinogenic compounds psilocybin and psilocybin and come in over 100 varieties. With a reputation for opening the mind to intense “spiritual”...

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FDA Approves Ketamine-based Antidepressant

Ketamine is a drug that kind of flies under the radar. While it has some accepted medical uses (mostly in veterinary medicine), it also has a rep as a party drug. That means it is bad. Ketamine also is on the United Nations’ World Health Organization Essential...

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