Addiction Recovery Blog

Overcoming Alcohol Withdrawal Symptoms

Going through withdrawal is one of the most uncomfortable and unpleasant parts of addiction recovery. Alcohol withdrawal symptoms can be scary if you’re not sure what to expect, and they can be tough to cope with on your own. This is one reason why trying to detox...

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Addiction and Mental Illness: Which Comes First?

Addiction can be a complex puzzle. There is not a single cause, nor a single solution. Every person’s experience is slightly different. It is not uncommon for those struggling with drug addiction to also have a mental health disorder or mental illness such as...

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Helping a Loved One Who has Relapsed

It can be very challenging watching a loved one struggle with active addiction. Once they entered into treatment and recovery, you may have breathed a sigh of relief that they were on a healthier path. But regardless of how long a person has been in recovery, the risk...

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Finding Patience in Recovery

Being patient can be hard, especially when you’re used to the immediate gratification that came with active addiction. Substance use provides quick results, but going without means finding pleasure from other sources and having to work toward satisfaction. Although an...

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What is Dry Drunk Syndrome?

Those who have struggled with addiction and been in recovery or spent time around recovery communities have probably heard the term “dry drunk” being thrown around. Many attribute it to the 12-step approach to recovery, though it has been used more widely over the...

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7 Sober Date Night Ideas for Valentine’s Day and Beyond

Valentine’s Day is just around the corner and it’s time to start planning that special day together. For those in recovery, dating can be especially tough because many people’s go-to idea is going out for drinks. There are also those who enjoy going clubbing or bar...

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6 Reasons to Choose a Sober Lifestyle

Choosing a life of sobriety can be hard when you’re so enveloped in active addiction. Drugs and alcohol change the way you think, feel, and act. Even though you want to kick addiction, your brain and body can make this very difficult. Experiencing the symptoms of...

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Coping with Physical and Emotional Pain in Recovery

When it comes to dealing with pain, many people turn to drugs or alcohol for relief. This can be a way of self-medicating and getting temporary reprieve. But regular substance use can quickly spiral into addiction and does nothing to address the underlying issues....

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Power in Numbers: Benefits of Support Groups

One of the pillars of addiction recovery is having a strong support network. It’s important to have people you can turn to in times of struggle and celebration. This network may include close family members or friends, therapists or counselors, and members of the...

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Drug and Alcohol Rehab 101: What to Expect

People go to drug and alcohol rehab at all stages of addiction. Some enter treatment when they first recognize they have a problem to prevent it from becoming worse, others go when they’ve hit their own “rock bottom,” and then there are others who go if they’ve had a...

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