Addiction Recovery Blog

The Stages of Addiction

Addiction, at it’s most basic level, is still a nebulous concept. It’s difficult to pin down exactly where an addiction begins, and it’s not always easy to tell when someone’s actually addicted. However, despite the elusive nature of addiction, it still follows a...

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How Holistic Rehab Treats the Mind, Body, and Spirit

There’s a lot of terminology in the world of addiction and recovery. You’ll hear things like “dependence,” “sponsor,” and “CBT” often, and naturally you’ll be a little confused. One term that gets tossed around a lot is “holistic” in regards to a style of rehab. The...

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When Does Drinking Become a Problem?

There’s nothing wrong with the occasional drink to relax, unwind, or have fun. However, at what point does this cross the line into an unhealthy habit or even addiction? Sometimes the line is hard to find, and we often forget that it’s even there. Addiction sneaks up...

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The Importance of Making Amends

We talk a lot about how important making amends is, and with good reason. Making amends is one of the most important things you can do for yourself and those around you in recovery. However, making amends is more than just something nice you should do. Making amends...

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An Indirect Approach to Making Amends

It goes without saying that making amends can be difficult. First, you have to not only acknowledge the mistakes you made in the past, but also own up to them. You’re forced to look at your mistakes and acknowledge and confront the pain you may have caused others....

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Is Making Amends More Than Apologizing?

In some of our previous postings, we talked about how making amends can be one of the best things you can do during the holiday season, and can make for an incredibly rewarding new year’s resolution. However, what does “making amends” actually mean? Many people think...

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Mandrax: The Scourge of Africa

As Americans, many of us live in a bubble. Especially now, as US politics are reaching a boiling point, it can be difficult to remember that we aren’t exposed to many of the things that other countries are. While this spans many different facets of culture, life, and...

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Addiction Affects Everyone

When most people think of addiction, they of the struggles and pain that the person suffering from the addiction undergoes. However, addiction is unique in that while it may directly only affect one individual, it indirectly affects everyone around the addicted...

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Gambling Addiction: A Very Real and Very Serious Problem

Addiction is the continued participation in a behavior despite the dangerous and negative consequences. When most hear the world addiction, they think of a crippling drug addiction or a serious alcohol problem. However, many Americans currently struggle with an...

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The Different Types of Interventions: The Johnson Model

When most people think of an intervention, they think of the popular television show by the same name, or an event where an individual is eventually enrolled in rehab after being confronted by loved ones. What many don’t realize is that this is simply one model of...

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