Addiction Recovery Blog

Losartan Use, Abuse, Effects & Withdrawal Symptoms

Losartan is a type of antihypertensive medication. The brand name for this medication is Cozaar. It is in the angiotensin II receptor agonists class. When someone takes Losartan, it causes their blood vessels to stop constricting. This allows increased blood flow...

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Meloxicam Abuse, Side Effects & Addiction

Meloxicam is a type of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug. The brand name for this drug is Mobic. It is similar to NSAIDs such as Ibuprofen. Sometimes this medication can be prescribed for treating pain that is generally moderate to severe. It is good option...

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Resolve to End Substance Use Disorder in the New Year

It is a new year, and that traditionally is a time for resolutions, for a fresh start, but most of New Year’s resolutions made in January fail by the end of the second week of February. According to Don Stenhoff and Adam Hahs of Arizona State University’s Master’s in...

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The Risks Behind Shooting or Injecting Suboxone

Buprenorphine, also known as Suboxone, was approved by the FDA in 2002. This drug is given to those who struggled with an addiction to opioids. It is meant to help them to overcome their substance use disorder disorder. In recent years, there has been an...

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Clonidine for Anxiety, Everything You Need To Know

There are approximately 40,000,000 people in the United States who have some sort of anxiety disorder. Some of these people never get treatment for their addiction. However, there are some others who start receiving treatment and taking medications to manage...

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ObamaCare Has Increased Addiction Treatment

Politics keeps interfering with substance use disorder policy, including addiction treatment, but progress is being made. The question is if it will continue. The 2008 Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA)—more familiarly known as “ObamaCare”—required that...

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Buspar High: Getting To Know That Anti-Anxiety Med

Buspirone, or more commonly known as Buspar, is a kind of anti-anxiety medication that many consider as effective while posing minimal addiction risk. If you totally believe this, think again. Just like any other kind of prescription medication, this drug, no...

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Cocaine Use: Side Effects, Dangers and Treatment

There are many people throughout the United States who are addicted to cocaine. While the number of addictions have been growing over the past 10 years, that doesn’t change all the dangers associated with cocaine addiction. There are reports of children as young...

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DMT Drug, How Does It Work, The Effects & Overdosing

DMT is in the class of psychedelic drugs. It isn’t talked about as much as similar drugs such as mescaline or LSD. However, there are still people around the world who use this drug. It is very strong and the effects it gives to the user are intense. If you need to...

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