Does Zoloft Make a Person High?

There has been an argument on whether or not Zoloft gives a high feeling to someone using it beyond the prescribed dose. While some might have claimed of having such experience after taking it regularly and at an increased amount, there have been no clinical studies...

Stop Demonizing Methadone MMT

Methadone may be the most reviled medicine in the world. Not only is this opinion unfair, but it’s also dangerous for the lives of opioid addicts who may die from overdoses of heroin or fentanyl when they are no longer able to get prescriptions of oxycodone or other...

Substance Use Disorder Treatment at Least as Important as Prevention, Curbing Supply

The US House of Representatives and the Senate have each now passed bipartisan bills to fight the opioid epidemic and overdose (OD) death crisis. The two bills now have to be reconciled in conference, but the President is expected to sign the resulting bill. Action is...